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Head Teacher’s Welcome

It is with great pleasure that I say hello to you on behalf of the Directors, Governors, Staff and Pupils of our Academy. I thoroughly enjoy working at Flax Hill and sincerely hope that you and your child’s association with us proves to be equally happy.

At Flax Hill Junior Academy, every child is as important as the next. High self-esteem is encouraged, high expectations, standards and values are fostered, and progress and achievement are positively monitored and celebrated. We believe that all children can achieve and that no child is left behind.

The last few years have been exceedingly successful for the school.  We have exceeded the national average in reading, writing and mathematics for several years and received an exceedingly positive Ofsted report in 2021. 

Flax Hill Junior Academy has many qualities; the most important of these being a dedicated and caring team of staff who share a wealth of experience. In addition, we have excellent facilities to support specialised education for children aged between 7 and 11 years old. These factors help us to provide the highest standards of education for your child. In partnership with parents, we strive to ensure continued academic success and develop personal qualities in pupils of which we can be proud. As our aim states...

Everyone is valued and shares responsibility for the challenging learning that takes place at Flax Hill Junior Academy.

Our focus is on developing and nurturing our children. We seek to provide every opportunity to apply literacy and maths skills across their learning. We want all children to achieve the highest possible standards and make maximum progress.  


Yours faithfully

Richard Lane

Executive Headteacher